Welcome to Dr. Melissa Luke

Company’s Solution

Dr. Melissa Luke is a published author, a professional speaker and a career performance expert with a Doctorate of Management (DM). She has a simple goal; to reprogram the way people think at work.

What we offer

Your Company’s Solution

Dr. Melissa Luke is a published author, a professional speaker and a career performance expert with a Doctorate of Management (DM). She has a simple goal; to reprogram the way people think at work.

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For years she was in the elite corporate world…

Founder and CEO of one of the first online trading floors in the United States
Federal Revenue Officer for the U.S. Treasury
Senior Business Analyst at the largest for-profit consulting firm in North America

On the Board of Directors for Boeing Airpower

Leading her own successful start-up ventures
During her time in these high-ranking positions, Dr. Luke realizedmost companies are overwhelmingly filled with unhappy people. She conducted research proving that unhappy employees are unproductive and costly, while happy employees are significantly more productive and innovative.
Today, Dr. Luke travels the world teaching corporations how to innovate within their organizations and eradicate job dissatisfaction